Sales Meetings: what they are and how to use them
Come fare ad organizzare al meglio dei Sales Meeting vincenti e come creare un’agenda: idee e strategie utili.
We are pleased to announce that we once again won the award as Top Performer from SourceForge, one of the leading software comparison sites.
This recognition not only makes us proud, but also makes us even more confident of the direction we have taken.
Customer relantionship between retention and loyalty
How many times have you heard or read the phrase “Acquiring a new customer costs 5 times more than retaining an existing one”? A statement confirmed by facts, if you consider the costs incurred to attract a new audience and bring it to buy from us. Let's focus on what it means to retain an [...]
What is CRM: meaning and functioning
What is CRM?
CRM is the acronym for “Customer Relationship Management”.
The meaning of CRM is linked to the relationship with the customer and therefore to all the strategies, software, technologies and processes used by organizations to engage, acquire, manage and retain potential and current customers.
Would you like to know more? Read the article!
vtenext Network: Wesellbrain
For us at vtenext, the continuous evolution of our network is as important as the evolution of the relationship with our partners and resellers. Because of this, we decided to interview some of our resellers and partners, to learn about the implemented projects in detail, and to give our Network a voice. In this interview [...]
vtenext Network: Sistemi Cuneo
For us at vtenext, the continuous evolution of our network is as important as the evolution of the relationship with our partners and resellers. Because of this, we decided to interview some of our resellers and partners, to learn about the implemented projects in detail, and to give our Network a voice. In this interview [...]
PA and Softwares
Table of contents: How does the choice of a Software for the PAs work? The Obligation to Adopt Reusable and Open Source solutions Developers Italia: the official portal for software selection PA and Softwares: between Open Source and Reuse “Italia Digitale 2026”: the ambitious goal set by the Italian National Recovery Plan (PNRR), allocating 6.74 [...]
ISO 9001 e ISO 27001: everything you need to know
Information security and quality system standards Recently VTENEXT obtained the ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certifications, the international standard on how to manage the information and data security, the first, and the international standard to implement within an organization a quality system, the second. We decided to interview Mauro Sanguinetti, our Auditor. In this article [...]
vte app – GDPR – All the GDPR in one touch!
Effectively manage all your contacts in full compliance with the GDPR Directive. Avoid mistakes and mishaps, strictly observing the privacy of your customers and leads. Automate consent renewal processes at the end of the two-year period specified in the European Directive. With the vtenext App this operation, and many more, now become simple and intuitive [...]