Business processes automation: Decoral case study
Decoral is a group born in 1974 and composed, today, by 16 societies located all over the world.
Company: Decoral Group
Field: Aluminum treatments
Headquarter: Arcole (VR)
Employees: 150-200
The group
Decoral operates in the aluminum surface treatments business: anodizing, powder coating and wood effect decoration, a technology that they patented about 30 years ago. In addition to the treatments, the Group produces and sells all the necessary to put them into action, starting from powder coatings to the decoration plants necessary to obtain these effects.
The initial needs
The first criticality was related to the customer management between the different companies of the Group. Within a single project, it often happens that a single customer interfaces with multiple companies, obviously through a single salesperson.
For this reason, it is important that the salesperson have a complete overview of all the different situations, a feature not easy to implement, if we consider that data comes from different ERPs.
The Group was searching for a highly flexible and customizable system. This need has matured after their previous experience with another CRM, which, because of its closed system, needed long waits for each customization or development.
Because of the nature of their sales team job, Decoral needed an extremely practical and easy to use system. The need was to insert reports about their commercial visits, an on the road activity, the reason why a complex system would have been totally useless.
It has been defined three main flows on which we had to work:
- Sample management
- Technical office offers insertion
- Trade fairs and lead generation management
In the end, Decoral had the need of a system able to centralize all the information within a single “container”, information available also for analysis and report activities.
In addition to this, the system has to be easily accessible, also remotely. This need has matured because of their previous experience; in fact, the CRM they used to use was accessible only through a VPN, a solution that caused the desire of a cloud solution.
The project
Decoral choose vtenext CRM, a tool able to fulfill their needs, thanks to some of its main features:
- It is an Open Source CRM, customizable from his interface, so it is a highly flexible tool for its nature
- It is a Cloud CRM
- It has a BPMN engine, the perfect tool for the business processes automation

Business processes automation
The automated processes implemented are three:
The flow related to this activity was quite complex, because it involves different users and business areas, for this reason automating it has been a big improvement for the internal organization.
The process starts with the insertion within the CRM, by the salesperson, of all the information related to the sample request. All of these data are automatically sorted and sent to the correct business area, which manages to elaborate it. Once the job has been completed, the shipping office is notified and completes the flow.
In addition to this, they can extract automatically all the most important information, which are sent to the customer, also in different languages, which will have each kind of data and, probably, will not need any other additional information.
This process supports the technical office and the commercial team in the delivering and monitoring of the offers. Everything starts with the insertion of an offer within the CRM by the technical office. Through an automatism, near to the offer expiration, the salesperson will be notified and urged to insert information related to the offer result. He will be able to insert within the CRM if the offer has been accepted or not, but also any other kind of feedback, a useful set of information. After this implementation, it has been increased the amount and the quality of the information which Decoral can manage.
In order to improve the lead generation, a specific form has been created for the contacts insertion, to be used during trade fairs. Through vtenext CRM, it has been possible to automate the data import from their website forms.
The support process dedicated to the sales team has provided a huge benefit within this area. Through some automations, the sales team members are being notified periodically, through email, about not managed leads, in order to avoid errors and oversights.
What did you find in vtenext that you didn’t find in other CRMs?
Three words: flexibility, automation and analytic capabilities. A unique program, which can satisfy multiple needs, it includes daily operations, different business areas procedures management but also the strategic planning.
– Valentina Coccato, CRM Specialist
Main benefits
- Easy visibility level management, also through different companies
- Work flow automation
- Increasing from 6.000 commercial reports per year to 8.000+ commercial reports in 9 months
- Report creation
- Clear time saving
This case study highlights the potential of having a highly flexible and customizable CRM system, able to perfectly adapt to each kind of company, from the small to the big one.
Discover all the details of the CRM project implemented in Decoral downloading our Case Study!
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