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CRM & Chatbot: discover how to increase your sales

Increasing sales is a common goal for every company. Reaching it, without improving your sales team is now possible thanks to a Chatbot. Innovations within the conversational Artificial Intelligence world changed the way companies can use a Chatbot for sales. Chatbots can offer unique and customized experiences directly inside the chat window. They can involve [...]

Holistic Approach: why and how implementing this kind of vision

2022 is a very important year for vtenext: the reached goals are different, but being included by Gartner both within CRM and BPM magic quadrants, as one of the best solutions at international level made us really proud. However, which is the feature that led vtenext to be included in both the quadrants? We will [...]

CRM & Onboarding: loyalize your collaborators during the Smart Working and Great Resignation age

  The words Smart Working are now common in our everyday professional life and deeply changed the working environment and the way collaborators relate with companies. We also witnessed another important phenomenon: the great resignation. Great resignation has led people to leave their job, especially during the first six months, more easily. Creating an effective Onboarding [...]

Employee Experience: the missing part of your strategy

Last two years have been very difficult for individuals, companies and organizations.  Since 2021 we are experiencing big changes in the workplace, millions of employees are leaving their jobs, with or without a new occupation. This phenomenon has been defined as “Great Resignation”: between April and September 2021, 19 millions of Americans resigned, and only [...]

Case Study: CAAP Onlus

Digitization, organization, and cooperation between volunteers from all over the world Thanks to the software vtenext and to the project developed by KPRO, CAAP started their digitization path, abandoning the use of paper documents and organizing data within a single database to guarantee a good accessibility also remotely, allowing the collaboration between volunteers from all [...]

Sales Enablement: the winning sales strategy for the 2022

Selling in B2B and B2C markets has become difficult. Customer behaviors are deeply changed: the way companies and consumers get in touch changed, but also the consumers’ level of information became higher. In the article we talk about Digital Customer Service and CRM and we underlined how the digitization process we lived during the last [...]

Case Study: Basilicata Region

How to digitize the Public Sector improving the Customer Service through vtenext Basilicata Region, with our partner Cooperativa EDP La Traccia’s support, has been able to digitize and automate, through vtenext, the technical assistance ticketing process, the GDPR management and the periodical communications sending, increasing the customer and employees satisfaction, creating also a unique and [...]

Sales Process: phases and how to digitize it

Table of contents: 8 phases of a successful sales process How to digitize your sales process The 4 steps to effectively digitize a sales process Implementing a digitized sales process FREE TRIAL A sales process is a series of replicable actions done by a sales team to convert a Lead into a Customer. The consumers’ [...]

eCommerce and CRM for your SME

Table of contents: eCommerce for SMEs: how to improve your online presence quality, making it more profitable Why do you need a CRM for your SME’s eCommerce Never as in this last year and a half so many SMEs switched from offline to online sale. It has been a true lifeline in a very difficult [...]

Case Study: QFORT S.R.L. – Mikaline

Centralize all the information about each one of your Business Units through vtenext! Born in Romania and “built to last”, QFORT serves the European market, in particular Romania, Italy, France, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and the Canadian market. It is a solid company, with the aim of offering its customers sustainable, lasting and high-quality products [...]