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Who are prospects, how to recognize them and why are they important

Who are the prospect customers, how they differ from leads and contacts, how to identify them: here is everything you need to know.

What is a sales funnel, how to create it and use it

One of the most important concepts in marketing is the sales funnel, but how can you use it for your own purposes?

User Journey: what it is and how to build one

The User Journey is a real path created for our customers: here’s everything you need to know about this topic.

Sales Meetings: what they are and how to use them

Come fare ad organizzare al meglio dei Sales Meeting vincenti e come creare un’agenda: idee e strategie utili.

What is upselling and how to use it

What is Upselling and how can it help you sell? In this article you will find everything you need to know for your strategy.

How to create an effective sales strategy

Having a ready sales strategy can help your business to achieve great results: here’s how to create an efficient one.

Sales Pipeline: what it is, what it’s for, and how to build it

Learn to better manage your sales pipeline with vtenext CRM, convert every potential customer and automate sales


We are pleased to announce that we once again won the award as Top Performer from SourceForge, one of the leading software comparison sites.
This recognition not only makes us proud, but also makes us even more confident of the direction we have taken.

What are business processes and how to effectively map them?

Find out what a business process is and our 5 examples of automation applied in a truly effective way by downloading the free eBook!

Customer relantionship between retention and loyalty

How many times have you heard or read the phrase “Acquiring a new customer costs 5 times more than retaining an existing one”? A statement confirmed by facts, if you consider the costs incurred to attract a new audience and bring it to buy from us. Let's focus on what it means to retain an [...]