success story

How to fastly manage online bookings

BUSINESS Group is a booking portal for packaged holidays. It is used to view and select the best offers regarding hotels, flights and packages by comparing hundreds of low-cost and traditional tour operators and reserving personal special offers.

The CRM Project

The CRM is integrated with the portal so that data of subscribers, acquired users and bookings can be recorded and clustered. Below are some of the characteristics of the project:

1) Operators use a single work platform
2) Quotes are automatically imported from the different websites
3) Quotes are sorted automatically and forwarded to operators according to language, product type and country of origin
4) Emails and SMS to customers are managed through vtenext
5) Inbound telephone calls are optimised, with screen pop ups visible to operators and customised according to the product type mentioned in the customer’s call
6) Customised SMS campaigns based on data contained in the CRM


  • Better control of the call center division
  • Decrease in respose times
  • Reduction of human errors thanks to the automation of repetitive tasks
  • Optimization of the sms campaigns
  • Iproved management of promotional activities